Well, we are in our 6th week of school and it's going soooo good. Of course I love the books we are reading ( mostly Sonlight, naturally), we are doing several things different this year. The first big change I gotta mention is that this year I'm teaching my sister's 2 kids also. So I'm teaching 5 kids ( ages 15,15,12, 8 and 7) plus I got the 2 little ones (4 and almost 2) running around. I thought it would be really, really hard and some days it is, but most of the time it's great. I found out the key to schooling so many especially since they share alot of subjects and I have 2 separate group times, 1 with the older three and another group time with the younger 2, plus separate reading lessons with the younger 2, in organization! I'll post more about that in another post though.
The second big change this year is we are trying out a new schedule. We are going to try out year round schooling. So we will school for 6 weeks and then take 2 weeks off. I know normally it's 6 weeks on 3 weeks off but I'm doing it this way because for one thing we didn't start school until September, also I want extra time off in the summer. Actually the kids want extra time off in the summer. I decided to try this schedule for several reasons: 1- I don't like going anywhere like zoos, museums or parks in the summer because it's too hot and crowded. So this way I can plan that kind of things during our off time. 2- The kids get bored with so much off time and then they get to bickering and arguing or nagging me half to death to take them somewhere. 3- I thought with schooling so many this year I might need several mini breaks for sanity sake. Which brings me back to the point of this post. This is our last week before our 2 week break. And I'm very excited about that.
I already have several things planned for our break.
1.I plan to have a fancy tea party with Lacey and my sister Becca and her little girl. We are going to go all out- dress up, make fancy finger food. I think it will be so much fun!
2. I plan to go shopping and out to lunch with a friend ( and maybe a movie)
3. Me and my mom and Becca plan to go to dinner and a movie.
4. If I happen on a pretty day go to the park
5.Maybe the zoo.
But that's it I don't want to spend the whole 2 weeks running and busy.
Well that's it for now. I'm off to read The Wizard of Oz to the kids!
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