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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Barbie Mall

I have been inspired to make the girls a Barbie house, actually a Barbie mall. We have been watching lots of videos on YouTube how to make everything Barbie. It started out with a bookcase my mom gave me. Originally it was going to be a house but then we decided that we wanted it to be a mall.

This is the bookcase turned on its side. Shane said he could build me 2 shelves splitting it into 4 rooms. The top is going to be a food court. I think we will put a rail on the top.

This room is our pet store. The other half will be a toy store. I still have a lot to do on the pet store. It needs trim separating the printed paper from the solid paper. I'm thinking white ribbon. and I need to paint the shelf hanging on the wall and we still need to make some more cages, toys and shampoo bottles.It's coming along pretty nicely though.

Close-ups of the pet store. Oh I need a cash register also.

Our fish tank. We love it!

The rabbit cage. We have 4 rabbits but the kids took 3 off somewhere. We still need to make the water bottle but I need a straw. All of this was inspired by myfroggystuff. You can watch videos of her making everything on YouTube. Super Awesome!

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