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Friday, August 1, 2008

What Our Homeschool Day Looks Like

This will be our 6th year homeschooling unless you count the 2 years I homeschooled before sending the kids to christian school. But I don't count those years. So anyway school will start for us August 18. I'd like to say we're super organized but well that's just not us. This is what our day generally looks like.

I wake up anywhere between 7:30 - 9:00 it all depends on the baby. Whatever time Lily(7 months) wakes up I get up. Most often that's by 8:30 but when she sleeps late so do I! I love the mornings! Lacey (3) is usually in bed with me and Lily and we spend anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour (depending on how long we slept) playing, tickling, snuggling. Lots of times some of the other kids will hear us and come join in the fun. Sometimes I set my alarm and get up but that usually only lasts about a week. Once I drag myself up, I check my email and ebay. Then I get the kids something to eat if they haven't already made something themselves. Usually the older 3 are up, dressed and playing on the computer. The older 2 girls 14, and 11 usually have their chores done. I'm especially strict about that on school days. I try to be schooling by 10:30 or 11:00. As you can tell we are very relaxed!

We start with group work. This has changed over the years but right now we are using Sonlight for our group work and that is Bible, History, Geography, and read alouds. Last year Donna(13) and Ashley(10) did Core 6 ( world History part 1) and Kyle(6) listened in as he wanted. I bought the story of the world activity book and had the kids color the pictures while I read to them. Even Lacey (2) would listen and color pictures. This year Kyle will start his own core (k). I LOVE Sonlight! I could go on and on for hours about how much they learned and how great it was, but I'll try to restrain myself. LOL!

After group work we split up for what I call seat work. For the oldest 2 I make up a weekly schedule with all their work on it. It has all their subjects (Bible, reading, spelling, math, language, spanish, misc.) and I write what they have to do by each subject. They take their schedule and do the work on their own if they have any questions or need help they come ask me. The rule for us is the kids do all they can on their own then I help with what they can't do. I AlWAYS have to help with language so this year I'm planning to do language as part of group work. Since Kyle is still learning to read and needs more help I do his a little different. I tear out his work sheets (abeka math and language) each day and he sits at the table or at his desk in his room. He also has reading lesson and phonics that we do together.

The kids take lots of breaks. Kyle and Ashley are usually done by 2 or 3. Donna doesn't get done sometimes until 5 or 6 but she doesn't like to be rushed and takes more breaks. We stop for lunch when we get hungry. Sometimes they work fast and get done earlier and sometimes we are still doing school at 7 or 8 at night.

Our School changes almost constantly because life changes almost constantly. LOL! Last year we had another baby. We also had a foreign exchange student living with us. So this year will probably be a little different from last year, but that's what is so great about homeschooling, I can adapt it to fit my life!

We go on field trips, park days, etc. whenever the mood strikes us or whenever something catches our interest. Last year we met once a week with some homeschool friends for art and science. I hope to be able to do that again.

Shane's work schedule has changed this year. He'll have to work Tuesday- Saturday so we probably will only school Tuesday thru Friday. And leave Mondays free to spend with him.

Anyway that's the plan we'll see how it goes.

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