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Monday, October 4, 2010

Can A Week be Busy And Relaxed?

Man! Today was busy! We started our morning running. I got up early (for me) at about 8:30 and me and Shane and Kyle did a real fast sweep of the house. Once the house was reasonably straightened the kids ate a bowl of cereal and we rushed out the door to our Enrichment classes. I wanted to get there a little early so I could visit with some of the other moms and check out the share table. I am glad I did, I was able to get video about Rembrandt tHat looks pretty interesting. I also got the kids a couple of vhs movies. After our classes we went to Jacksboro ( about an hour drive) to pick up Ashely's friend Kelsea. She is going to spend a few days with us. Ashley is very excited, she has really missed her since we moved. And I had a nice visit with my friend Suzanne (Kelsea's mom). After we got back from Jacksboro I woke Shane up and talked to him while he ate. Then we ran some errands (read that as we made up an excuse to drive around awhile just the two of us) and then we sat outside on the patio for a little while. After Shane went to work a cleaning bug bit me and I cleaned the house. It really needed it! I mopped floors and dusted and swept, folded clothes and even swept the driveway! I really do love a clean house. While I was doing all this Ashley's friend Sara came over to spend the night. After giving the little ones a bath and a snack we watched Survivor and The Modern Family together. And now I am sitting here writing my blog, all the little ones are asleep and I can hear Ashley and her friends laughing in her room. It is very, very nice.

Tomorrow I am meeting my friend Dee ( Sara's mom) at the library and then we are all going over to their house for a little while.

Wednesday a friend from our church and a friend of his are coming over to play some board games or maybe Who's the man with us. Ashley and Kelsea want to go to the mall so I am going to try to drop them off there in the morning for an hour or so while I go to the library and go get the oil changed in the van.

Thursday we have our first Burkburnett Park Day! Yeah! Very excited about that. We will meet at 10:30 and right after park day we will drive Kelsea to Decatur (hour and a half away) to meet up with her mom and at the same time we will pick Donna up! I can't wait to get her home. I miss her so much.

Friday no plans that I can think of. Rest maybe lol.

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